Today’s Top 5

Guess all the giants aren’t just in Lake Winnipeg:
> “Your probability of catching a 10-plus is higher than catching a fish under 3 pounds. Seriously: It’s catch a trophy, catch an eater, catch an eater, catch a trophy.”
…if you have a spare $60,000 to get the Hover Hut (*slash* boat):
All you zillionaires, get yours here.
Love to see these go back:
Ice News
> From the south end, some of the best reports coming from 22-25 miles north between Knight / Bridges Islands and Garden Islands. Some morning fish coming from 18′ in front of Pine Island. Reefs around Long Point producing….
> On the Rainy River, frozen shiners in 15-20′ most consistent.
> Up at the NW Angle good fishing continues. One day the fish are on the reefs, the next day on the edges. Go-to depth, 20-30′. Jig one line, deadstick second line. More walleyes than saugers, some jumbo perch, pike and eelpout mixed in.
Fish houses on ice through March 31st. Walleyes open to April 14th. Pike open year-round. Lodging info here.
2. WI: Sturgeon spearing open Saturday.
106 sturgeon over 100 lbs harvested last year. Sturgeon that big are at least 45 years old…which is at least a couple years older than that ham sandwich we found in our ice shack last year….
3. ON: Family fishing weekend.
Free fishing for Canadians Feb. 14-16. At least ON and SK.
4. WY: Ice conditions declining.
When ice fishing.
6. ID: 2 die on Winchester Lake.
RIP fishing brothers.
7. MN: 1 found, 1 still missing.
Lake Benton. RIP fishing sister.
1. NY: ‘Almost-Annual’ crappie derby this weekend.
Last year’s pot was $14,000+.
2. WI: Kids ice fishing clinics…
…in Milwaukee and Waukesha this Sat.
4. NE: Walleye Wisdom Workshop.
9:00am to 4:00pm Feb. 28 in Lincoln.
2. MN: New ‘eye regs coming for 2 lakes.
Winni and Saganaga.
3. MI: New fishing pier funded.
Detroit River Refuge.
4. Jay Yelas takes over at C.A.S.T.
Well-know OR bass pro now running a great charity, still fishing too. Very cool. Might be a first for a pro fisherman?
Of Buck Knives. Great guy.
‘Eye Candy
Brad Smyth of Detroit Outdoor Adventures caught this Lake Erie gravel lizard in 22′ with a gold Jonah Jig with golden gator stinger hook tipped with a minnow. Fish was 31.5″ long, 21″ around and a whopping 13.71 lbs.
Tip of the Day
Gord Pyzer:
> It is a trout fly on a dropper line, suspended 18″ or so above your jig or spoon. To prepare this rig, slide a nymph or streamer up the line, then tie it in place with a loop knot.
> Some days, you’ll catch most of the fish on the jig or spoon. Then, for no rhyme or reason, the fish will switch over and start hitting the fly.
> Be sure not to jig too aggressively, and pause often in order to let the fly waft gently above the lure.
Quote of the Day
…attended a deer management public input meeting, received a complaint of trespassing and numerous complaints of a slow fish bite.
– ND DNR warden report from the Osage district. Folks, the wardens can’t help you catch fish!
Shot of the Day
Just a simple shot, but this is how simple ice fishing can be. Everything you need right there! | |
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