Today’s Top 5

Troy Peterson shared that awesome pic with these awesome details:
> The schools have been widely spread out…stay mobile and keep drilling until you get on the active pods and the catching will come fairly easy. The system has a lack of food making it very conducive for the anglers to catch a bunch of fish in a pretty short order.
> Jigging spoons like the Custom Jigs and Spins Slender Spoons and Swedish Pimples in hammered gold or silver colors…Jigging Raps in clown or parrot colors….
> Bite Me Box Tip Ups have been working very well with the windy conditions allowing me and my clients to fish a large area without the worries of our holes freezing up or wind trips.
> The secret behind this is the #20 treble hook under a 6lb. Fluorocarbon leader. You may think a #20 is way to small but trust me, it’s the biggest key to success.
Thanks Troy!
Awesome ice fishing coffee table!
If you winter down south or just can’t get enough of the ice scene, this masterpiece from Advanced Taxidermy is for you:
Check out this fancy fish tank mount:
Would you rock this sled?
Uncut Angling guys get into some prehistorics with dino hats and Doritos…w’d prefer the latter. A good watch as usual:
Turns out Merp the walleye has a cousin…or something like that:
Ice News
1. MI: Free fishing this weekend.
Cadillac, Feb 28 and Mar 14.
3. Using your ‘Bird for navigation.
Cool tip:
1. VT: Northeast Kingdom ice derby.
Runs today through Sunday. $50,000 in cash/prizes.
2. IL: Quad City outdoor show.
Feb 12-15. Marianne Huskey, Timmy Horton, Steve Quinn, others.
3. ON: Spring Fish and Boat Show.
Mississauga, Feb 13-16. KVD, James Lindner, Gord Pyzer, Ted Takasaki, other big names will be there.
4. PA: Canadohta Lake tournament.
Feb 14.
Feb 27 – March 1.
6. WI: Aquaculture Conference Mar 6-7.
Discussion will include the Walleye Initiative Grant program.
3. Cannon downrigger promotions.
4. OR: Lamprey pop tumbling in PNW.
…and they’re concerned about it! Tribes value them for ceremonial purposes and rely on them for nourishment.
Tip of the Day
Cool tip from Mark Strand and Dave Genz:
> Genz for years thought of these catches as accidents, but recently stopped thinking of them that way. “It happens too much to be an accident.”
> This is far from a scientific statement, but all other things being equal in fishing…fish seem to show a preference for smaller baits under the ice than they do in open water.
> Seek out places that produce big sunfish, crappies and/or perch. Fish those areas hard with baits chosen to tempt panfish. Happily accept whatever bites come your way, and don’t be surprised if you or someone in your group tangles with a big one.
> If your line is fresh, “it’s amazing how strong 2-pound or 4-pound new line is,” says Genz. “And the drags are so much better on our reels now than they were even a couple years ago. With a good drag, even in the cold, you don’t have to backreel a fish anymore. You just let it take line when it has to.”
> If you’re a Boy Scout, you’re packin’ a gaff…. But Genz has made good use of the impromptu gaff he fashions out of a ‘walleye’ rod and treble hook. “Most of the time, somebody has a walleye rod along. Just tie on whatever lure you have with the biggest treble.”
Quote of the Day
My kids were woken up at gunpoint. It was a pretty scary situation over walleye.
– Wow! About an alleged poaching case that was recently dismissed…after 4 years.
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