7. The Next Bite TV + X2Power Batteries = 
8. Daiwa launches “significantly changed” FUEGO.
This is already a ton of folks’ favorite mid-priced reel, and Daiwa gave it a bunch of upgrades:
> …we went to a true ZAION V carbon-fiber body, not a nylon-based plastic that you see in other manufacturers’ reels at this price. The new FUEGO stands alone in the marketplace at this price. You get some weight reduction because of this material design change. We also went to an AIRDRIVE ROTOR that reduces weight, too, and incorporated a solid AIRDRIVE BAIL versus a tubular design. The reason for that is the metal we’re using is very strong, rigid, and doesn’t bend – yet, it’s thinner and lighter. Our goal was to reduce the weight of the rotation, which decreases the weight of the reel as well. It also makes it easier to turn the handle. We’re making the performance better and better with each generation of FUEGO.”
9. WY: Speas Hatchery is getting an expansion.
> …will provide the ability to rear cool-warm water game fish such as walleye and channel catfish in Wyoming.
10. Walmart CEO says inflation is here.
> “Inflation and higher prices are kind of with us.”
> Walmart’s prices will likely be slightly lower in 2024 than this year but higher than 2 years ago….
11. Sportsman’s Warehouse appoints Steven W. Sansom to its BOD.
12. Humminbird is running a MEGA Live rebate.
> Get a $500 rebate when you buy a qualifying MEGA Live ICE Bundle or Conversion Kit between now and Sept 30, 2023.
13. UT: Native roundtail chub making a comeback.
I guess this little bugger is one of the reasons they want walleye out of the Colorado River Basin: