View this email in your browser TODAY’S TOP 4 How Ross Robertson targets BIG late-season walleye Still a few diehards hitting the...
Heads up: This might be the only Target Walleye email this week as I’m heading out of town for the St. Paul...
Heads up: This will be the only Target Walleye this week. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Hope your day is filled...
TODAY’S TOP 5 Freak of the week! 🧌 Recently posted by Muddy Waters Guide Service on FB: > “The Boys came all...
TODAY’S TOP 4 Teener of the week! 🤯 Spotted on Chasen Walter’s FB. This Lake Oahe, SD freakazoid scarfed up Kurt Miller’s...
TODAY’S TOP 5 “When in doubt, break a Husky Jerk out.” – That’s Ross Robertson, who was up to some nighttime shenanigans...
Veteran’s Day was on Monday. I just want to say a big THANK YOU to military Veterans, those currently serving and families!...
Believe it or not, the iceman cometh! So it’s time to start trickling more and more ice-fishing content in these TW emails...
TODAY’S TOP 5 Slush melon of the week! There’s a catch-photo-release derby (thru the FishDonkey app) called the Rapala Quinte Gold Series...
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