If you’re getting Target Walleye for the first time, a bud probably signed you up!
Today’s Top 5
Paunchy fall-eyes of the week!
Are you reeling with the wrong hand?
No matter which hand you reel with, someone will always call you out for using the “wrong” hand, reeling backwards, being a southpaw, whatever you wanna call it…. Got us wondering: which way is THE right way?
We did a quick poll over on the Facebook machinez to see what people thought:
- (37%) Switch hands depending if it’s a spinning reel or baitcaster
- (34%) Reel left-handed
- (29%) Reel right-handed
That’s dang near an even split. Does that mean everyone wrong? And if anyone isn’t right, wouldn’t it be the people that switch hands and do both??
Be like shooting lefty with a .22, but switching to righty when you use a shotgun…? Or writing left-handed with pencils, but right-handed with pens? Never did understand the switching — most people that do it can’t explain how they got started with it lol.
What it all comes down to is just doing what feels comfortable to you…unless it’s this:
Why every fisherman needs foam pool noodles.
And it’s not because we’re getting too old/tired/sore to actually swim…. Some of the bassin’-master pros have been using ’em to give their fish extra cushioning in the livewell in rough water. Especially awesome idea for you Great Lakes guys:
Plus you can use the leftover noodles to make the ultimate spaghetti DIY leader holder. As Ross Robertson says, “Because tangles suck:”
First look at the MarCum Lithium Shuttle.
Nothing else like it on the market. The new MarCum Lithium Shuttle is a fully decked-out “shuttle” that’ll work with most any ice flasher/sonar. Can’t promise we didn’t get any drool on this one while Brad Hawthorne was giving us a quick walk-through:
This walleye grew up in a tough neighborhood.
Rainy Lake guide Chris Granrud just barely caught this shore-luncher before something else did:
Careful up there man!
Well-deserved! Not only his work at the NPAA, but also his years as a legendary walleye pro. Congrats man!
…for this year’s Fishing Careers Workshop. It’s a limited edition 20th Anniversary Ice Team Voyager shelter from Clam Outdoors.
More ways to break into the fishing biz today than ever been – more info here.
Said they need a 30% increase, else they need to cut $2 mil spending on fish stocking, hatcheries, etc. Hasn’t been an increase in 12 years (unlike everything else in the world), but the state legislature has to approve it.
More than 58,000 boats were inspected since April…they found 16 boats with zebra/quagga mussels and gave out 80 citations. For sure a great effort, but probably winning the battle…not the war….?
Maybe a hint at an Asian carp remedy?
…happening on Table Rock Lake. Yup, it’s for basses…but hoping those guys read this and realize they need to add a walleye division to the tourney 😉
If you don’t know, Toyota Bonus Bucks pays out $$$ to the top two anglers in all AIM, MWC and NWT wally tournaments. You don’t have to win the tourney – you jus’ have to be the highest placing registered anglers.
That’s real free money, not the kind people-you-went-to-high-school-with share every day on their Facebook page:
Have a specific question, topic or technique you want to learn more about? Let us know here!! Can be fall walleye fishing tips, preseason prep for the hardwater season (too soon?) or early-ice tricks for ALL species. Ask and we’ll dig into it….
TargetWalleye.com Highlights
Headline of the Day
LOTS of interesting quotes in this story from the DNR, local resort owners, and fisherpeople. Here’s a few we plucked — can you guess who said which?
> That’s probably where we’re having the trouble with juvenile survival is that predation, when there’s not enough forage available for the larger fish.
> This is probably one of the heavier nets we’ve had this year so far. A lot of it’s tullibees. Some pretty nice walleye in there too.
> We’ve seen the walleye go from real big heavy walleye…and now there tend to be skinny walleye, which is why the bite is so good. The walleye are hungry. So even though there’s fewer walleye, because they’re so hungry, anglers are finding them easier to catch.
> We know what we see on a daily basis, and we don’t believe the numbers…look at what we see every single day. It doesn’t jive with what your statistics show.
> We don’t want to simply open up harvest on them and then deplete that year class down so much that all of the sudden, we don’t have adequate spawning biomass out there and nothing coming up behind it.
> They’re not going to show that they found many fish, but that’s not going to convince me there’s no walleyes in the lake. I just see too many healthy fish out there for that to be in the case.
Tip of the Day
> Reservoir walleyes, for the most part, relate to main-lake points and flats most of the year. One major key to finding reservoir walleyes in the fall is to determine which points and what type of flats fish are relating to.
> A good reservoir main-lake point will be one that extends into deep water, and provides ambush points — in the form of breaks and feeding shelves — at various depths. A good flat will also have access to deep water, and is often in close proximity to a good point.
> There can literally be hundreds of potentially good points and flats to choose from…you need to narrow down your search to those structures that would be in the path of the walleyes’ movements this time of year.
> Reservoir walleyes are “river minded” and tend to be “roamers,” not staying in one place very long. How far/often these fish move is often linked to the amount of current coming into the reservoir.
> If there’s been lots of rain upstream — or the Corp of Engineers are releasing water creating good current flow — the walleyes will move further up the reservoir and move more often.
> Cruise potential points and flats looking for signs of life [on the depthfinder]…fish, baitfish, and subtle bottom transitions that make one piece of structure better than another. Once you’ve determined the spot you’re on is holding fish, make note of the depth at which they’re “marking.”
> If you’re marking fish in, say 15′, try running a 1.5-oz bottom-bouncer and spinner tipped with a crawler through them. Follow the entire contour of the point at that depth, being sure to hit the “cups” on the inside of the point where it breaks from shore.
Meme of the Day
“Pretty sure that’s what my brother-in-law told me:”
Today’s ‘Eye Candy
That’s 60″ of Green Bay walleyes that Korey Sprengel while pre-fishing for the NWT championship…by himself. Guy has some serious solo-photo skills:
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Who is Target Walleye/Ice?
Target Walleye/Ice — walleye during open water and all species during hardwater — is brought to you by Al and Ron Lindner, Jim Kalkofen, Brett McComas and other diehard fish nuts like you! #fishheads