1. MN: Coots Unlimited buys fish house for public.
Yup, that’s a real sportsman’s club in Ashby Minne-snowta. They bought a new 8×16 Ice Castle Trophy Hunter and plan to let people use it — free of charge — on Pelican Lake near Ashby:
> It will be set up from Jan 1 to Feb 25…available 7 days per week with two openings per day. The heat will be on and the holes will be drilled, so users need only bring their bait.
How friggin’ cool is that?! Wish there was more of it ’round the ice belt so everyone had the chance to experience fishin’ the hardwater.
2. Where’s our hard-house people at?
Coming to a lake near you…soon-ish:
We know a lot of you kick back in the permie while diving into each TW email…so we’re gonna try to bring you s’more tweaks/hacks/fishing tips that are specific to hard-houses. As always: any special requests, send ’em in!
3. Plano Synergy’s websites winning awards.
Revamped sites for their 18 brands (Frabill, Plano, etc) have been catching people’s attention, including that of the Web Marketing Association.
4. Lunkerhunt sells sushi?
Called the Sushi 110 Jerkbait and believe it was new this season. Mmmmm:
Suspending rip bait with super loud rattles, dives 6′ and weighs 1/2 oz. Weight-transfer system means longer casts and helps give it an erratic darting action.
5. Ron Schara Productions hiring videographer/editor.
Producers of: Minnesota Bound, Due North Outdoors, etc. More info here.
6. Honda outboards got a makeover…
…on the inside and out:
7. DC: Glenn Hughes named future ASA prez.
American Sportfishing Association. Was the VP. He was unanimously voted in by the board of directors, and ASA’s members and staff…which may be the first unanimously voted in person for anything, ever lol.
8. DC: E15 (even-higher ethanol) bill defeated.
Means no year-round sales of E15 this year.