Also…bet I could catch 5 largies for 20 lbs on that thing 🤣 but highly doubt I could get 1 walleye to eat it. 🤔 Just saying….
6. MN: It’s “Take a Kid Fishing” weekend.
MN residents can fish without licenses if they take children 15 or younger along.
7. DC: ASA not happy about proposed fed lead tackle ban.
American Sportfishing Association (ASA) is a fishing industry lobbying group. This ruling is about the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service bending to an environmentalist lawsuit, instead of fighting it:
> The entire foundation of USFWS and its management of our fish and wildlife resources is meant to be based on specific data and science, yet the proposed rule would arbitrarily ban lead fishing tackle in several refuges based on unfounded and overgeneralized assumptions.
> This proposal provides no evidence that lead fishing tackle is harming any specific wildlife populations in the proposed areas.
8. NMMA hires new VP of business intelligence.
> Mildred Robinson…will drive NMMA’s data, analytics and insights department to enhance and expand research critical to the success of the recreational boating industry.
NMMA = National Marine Manufacturers Assn and is “the nation’s leading trade association representing boat, marine engine and accessory manufacturers.”
9. RI stocked 800 northern pike fingerlings into Worden Pond.
> These pike were obtained as fry back in Mar, at approx 1cm in length…were raised to 4-5″ before being stocked….
Shoot, someone tell RI to drop their shipping addy 👀 we have a zillion 18-21″ snot rockets in MN you can have FO’ FREE. 😅😅😅
10. New AnglingBuzz episode is out now.
Called “Summer Walleye Strategies” in case you need to kill some time waiting on 5pm: