Today’s Top 5

Over the last 10 days Matt Cornell of Bruin Outfitting has managed to put his groups on crazy numbers of giants, even by Lake WinniPIG’s insane standards. They landed 75 fish over 27″, with 8 breaking the 30″ mark!!
> Earlier this season fish were more hesitant with the rattling-body baits — that has changed over the last 2 weeks. The best baits have been larger rattle baits worked aggressively a few feet from bottom — Jackall TN60/70s and the UV Rippin’ Rap have been top performers.
> Slender Spoons from Custom Jigs and Spins and RJ Lures Flutter Spoons have been great throwbacks for big fish that turned down the rattle baits. New fish are moving in from the main body of the lake so now is prime time to intercept a monster Lake Winnipeg greenback.
Here in central MN we’ll be rocking shorts while they’re still catching ice mutants. #stout
Dorey M. caught this 32.5″ Lake Erie gravel lizard fishing deep staging areas outside the spawning flats of the western basin — slow-trolling Rapala Down Deep Husky Jerks in 26 ft and targeting active fish higher in the water column:
Ben Royce iced this 14.13-lb (31.25″) Lake WinniPIG greenback using a LiveTarget Golden Shiner rattlebait:
First open-water ‘eye of the year in guide Bret Alexander’s boat was a giant: 12.6 lbs and 30.5″. Used a 1-2 punch of Rippin’ Raps and jigs dressed in a BFishn Tackle Moxie.
> “Bright colors were working best. Water was very stained and the fish were all belly to the bottom. Had to keep the baits tight and worked very slow with subtle little hops.”
Last week’s tip talked about it, and this video shows it’s possible — northern pike on hot dogs:
Kind of looks like a fat Senko.
Nope, that’s just icin’ goofball Tommy Hicks enjoying a little limelight. Fishing must have been slow…lol.
Ice Fishing
16.8-lb bottom banger from Lake Jesse. Landan Brochu said, “I started dancing around — I even forgot to grab it and pick it up out of the hole.” Lol understandable dude!
2. IA: Clear Lake ice-out 2 weeks early.
Feels like we’re getting jipped this year but she went out on March 5th back in 2000.
3. MN: Ice emergency call a false alarm.
A concerned citizen thinking an angler had fallen through the ice when he suddenly disappeared…turns out he had just booked it out of there after realizing he was late for a meeting.
> “Glow emits light after being charged with an external light source — while UV treatments reflect existing ultraviolet light from the sun.”
Interesting stuff, worth a read.
5. ON: Last-ice walleyes with Gord Pyzer.
Ice fishing isn’t just for the boys — in fact, many women are pretty stinkin’ good at it!!
Watch as Barb Carey talks about the Women Ice Angler Project and explains how women from across the ice belt are coming together to network as ice anglers and show the world that women can ice fish independently.
1. Combating hooking mortality (video).
Ron Lindner and Dick Sternberg talk about a few things you can do to help the fish you release survive.
2. MN: Rainy River walleye tactics (video).
3. MN: Current Rainy River fishing regs.
4. MN: Power-fishing for Leech Lake walleyes…
…with Gary Parsons and Korey Sprengel.
5. OH DNR’s spring walleye tips.
6. New Northland Tackle Swivel-Head Jig.
Killer jig for early season ‘eyes:
7. How to get a fishing sponsor.
Bernie Barringer knows the ropes.
8. Private fishing lessons with Doc Sonar.
9. VT: 4 record fish caught in 2015.
Will have a tough time beating that 14-lb 8.8-oz walleye!
10. DC: Money sought for endangered species.
The issue is that state DNRs have to spend angler/hunter money on endangered species work because they’re in charge of that work and that work is federally mandated — but the states don’t get any federal money to do it. So they spend our money on it…and a side issue is this whole thing probably means more animal nuts in DNRs. So:
> The Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources recommended that $1.3 billion each year from the more than $10 billion in revenues from energy development (both renewable and traditional) and mineral development on federal lands and waters be redirected and dedicated to fund state-based conservation to address conservation needs for thousands of species.
> The panel was co-chaired by former Wyoming Governor David Freudenthal and John L. Morris, noted conservationist and founder of Bass Pro Shops.
Fishing Reports
> Runoff from the recent snowfall muddied up the water yesterday — with the clarity dropping to less than 10″ and bumping up the current speed. Up-size those jigs — brighter colors, scent, flash and vibration will all help. There’s still big ‘eyes being caught, but you can always bring up the sturgeon rods as a back-up plan!
> Some ice fishing is still happening at the NW Angle but it is a day-by-day call. Resorts are checking ice daily and reporting 16+ inches of ice down to areas of less ice and open water in typical trouble spots. ATVs, UTVs, and snowmobiles only.
Mark Arnesen of Arnesen’s Rocky Point Resort has dialed in his Humminbird Helix for the safest route to these late, late ice walleye haunts. That’s one heck of a late-icemobile!!
Tip of the Day
High-riding crappies.
> Extreme late ice, when the water starts to run back into the holes, panfish make a break for skinny water — staging in shallow bays where they’ll eventually spawn. Often times those fish will be suspended just under the ice where they won’t even show up on your electronics — sort of like the Bermuda Triangle for flashers. Too often anglers get in the habit of dropping their bait right down to the bottom and right past these fish.
> To target these high-riders, you’ll want to fish them from the top down — using an awkwardly long rod which allows you to dip the bait down just 1-2 feet under the ice before you move on to the next hole, never needing to touch the reel in-between.
> Crappies may come in so high that they actually need to roll sideways in order to hit the bait to avoid bumping into the ice above. This is one of the best opportunities you’re going to find to get into aggressively feeding crappies each winter — don’t overlook it.
Meme of the Day
Don’t try that at home kids!
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