Tip of the Day
Ted Takasaki: What to do when it’s tough.
> First, keep moving from spot to spot. The more spots you fish, the better the odds that you come across a small pod of active fish.
> Second, change up tactics. Speed up your presentation by trolling faster or reeling quicker. Provoke a reaction bite by giving your rod several quick jerks that will cause the fish to react to the change in speed or direction.
> Third, try downsizing your lure, or try a tactic that others haven’t thought of. I’ve had several instances where fish don’t want the normal sized baits or what other anglers are using.
> Lastly, go to the other extreme and slow down to a crawl, and keep the bait in front of the fish as long as you possibly can. Slip bobbers or vertical jigging often can trigger lethargic fish into biting.