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Today’s Top 4
We lost Ron Lindner. š
Ron passed on Monday night, peacefully and surrounded by family. š
Words can’t even begin to describe the impact Ron has had on the fishing industry — an absolute pioneer and amazing man I looked up to.
Pretty sure they ran out of Hall of Fames to put Ron in. He’s been inducted into the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame, MN Fishing Hall of Fame, Normark Hall of Fame, and was headed to the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame that was supposed to happen this year…sure I’m missing 7 or 8 others.
But it’s so much bigger than that…he changed people’s lives for the better through his faith and always encouraged them to “push the envelope” in anything they were involved in.
It never mattered if my door was shut, or even if I had a sign on it saying I was working on a deadline or on a call…Ron always came flying in LOL. And I always looked forward to it because every single time he had a new idea(s) he wanted to bounce off of us. Even in his 80s he was in the office and getting after it every day and was an absolute wizard when it came to knowing what was going on in the fishing industry. #Passion
Every time we spoke, he always wanted to know how my family was and “how the precious little princess was doing” (my 2yo daughter Maisie). He loved seeing pics of her and always reminded me to “cherish every moment” with her. This wasn’t just him making small talk…it was easy to tell that he genuinely cared and put people/family/friends first.
I’ve tried for hours — days — to come up with the words to pay my respect to Ron, and I just can’t. No words can do him justice and I don’t feel worthy to try…but I do feel blessed to have had the chance to know him.
No doubt he’s “absolutely whackin’ ’em” on the big pond up in the sky right now. Forever thankful for you Ron — RIP brother. |
Here are some words from Jay Kumarā¦
…one of the co-founders of Target Walleye, about Ron’s passing:
You are reading Target Walleye because of Ron Lindner. Were it not for him, there would be no Target Walleye — and no fishing media as we all know it.
Quick history: I’d been putting out an email called the BassBlaster which Ron liked. He called me every week for a while to talk about digital media (sorta my thing in the fishing biz), what he saw working, possibilities, etc, and he always ended up saying that the walleye world didn’t really have any main media or major digital media.
In one of those conversations (maybe more than one?) I said something like, “Ron why don’t we do a walleye version of the BassBlaster?” And Ron jumped on it. He wanted to talk to Al, he wanted to get Jim Kalkofen involved, and he made all that happen — or God really did, but you know what I mean.
Ron came up with the name “Target Walleye.” Eventually this guy named Brett McComas surfaced IN BRAINERD, MN, same town as Lindner HQ. What are the chances of that?? Which reminds me: Ron ran every Target Walleye meeting, and made sure we started every one with prayer. In fact, in our first-ever meeting he dedicated the whole endeavor to God. What a man.
One of the greatest things about Target Walleye to me is that Ron and Al didn’t do it for themselves…meaning they had nothing to prove in business and didn’t need the money. Yes they always push the envelope and have instincts for opportunities, but they pursued Target Walleye for walleye (and ice) fishermen and for the future. As Ron said in a 2017 interview:
> “I’m planting trees whose shade I will never sit under.”
Amazing. I learned so much from him, and I’m still learning from Al and Jim. I’m so grateful for all of them, and especially Ron for being THE fishing media pioneer, who never stopped pushing and exploring and thinking, and whose efforts from day 1 have given me and so many others a career in fishing. Just one guy’s gratitude.
I’ll definitely miss him. I guess I already do but it doesn’t quite feel like he’s gone yet. Here’s why — a story I told in the BassBlaster I’m sure Ron would be cool with me sharing:
> 2 weeks ago I was Skyping with Ron and Brett McComas. Ron matter of factly tells us the cancer has returned and says the last time he had it (years ago) he clearly heard from God that he had til Thanksgiving 2020. He said, “I’m at peace with it.” And he was. He also was 100% himself and in the office at the time, so I sorta didn’t believe he’d leave us this year.
I feel like the Lord had mercy on him — amazing.
We’ve lost one of the most important people ever in fishing (beyond just media), one of the lions of our sport. But the Lindners have lost a husband, dad, brother, grandad and uncle. Please pray for them as they grieve. Love from me.
Thank you for reading Target Walleye. I know for a fact that Ron loved and appreciated every one of you. |
Ron did it all.
Few things from the MN Fishing Hall of Fame:
> In pursuing his dream, Ron has worn many hats — professional guide, tackle and equipment designer, inventor (3 patents and 30 unique designs to his credit), tackle manufacturer, professional tournament angler, promoter, writer, publisher, book author, TV producer, radio host, professional tournament angler, internet host, and perhaps most importantly, an indefatigably curious fisherman and consummate innovator.
> Ron’s work in angling theory includes co-authorship of 10 books. He also has written hundreds of published articles…produced thousands of radio and TV scripts…developed a comprehensive lake, river and reservoir identification classification system and a fish response calendar…and developed the famed F+L+P=S (Fish + Location + Presentation = Success) formula, described as the algebra of angling. His early scientific approach to the sport (along with other pioneers) provided the foundation, framework, and language for today’s modern sportfishing forum.
Sure you know that one of those inventions was the original Lindy Rig: |
But did you know the original design was only 6″ long? Interesting ‘cuz nowadays you hear of people running all the way up to 10- to 12-FOOT leaders. But Ron said the shorter leaders flat-out caught more fish — few details from him:
> Ron: The first snells we did were only 6″ long and had ‘pink’ 6-lb monoā¦one small little [Eagle Claw] hook for nightcrawlersā¦this was before leeches were being fished for walleye. Al and I caught fish after fish after fish…we kept records…seemed like the best one was with the short leader.
> I like the bait near the sinker itself. I think fish are attracted to the thumping — you are fishing it like a jig.
Did you know he also invented the worm blower to float ‘crawlers on the back of those rigs? Here’s a vid from a few years back of Ron sharing some history on both with his grandson Nick: |
Ron will be remembered.
I’ve been watching, consuming, soaking in all things Ron the last couple days. It’s overwhelming, but in a really good way. Take a scroll through his Facebook page and you’ll know what I mean — SO MANY incredible notes, pics and stories being left on how he’s impacted lives:
And they continue to pour in. Thank you for sharing them.
Back with the regular “News” section on Friday.
TargetWalleye.com Highlights
> Lake Oahe teener, Underwater strikes vid, Gators gone wild
> Uncut Angling went under, Alabama rig fail, J-Rap wins bass derby
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Random Video of the Day
Not sure how I had never seen or heard of this before [?] but apparently at the ripe young age of 81, Ron caught a bull shark from a dang canoe:
š³ Only Ron!
Quote of the Day
“ā¦you can get back to the dot [GPS marker] but you can’t get as close as you could with a marker buoy.”
ā That was Ron talkin’ to Jay Kumar and I (about 1 month ago) on what a game-changer GPS was and still isā¦BUT he had that ^ really good point — Jay found some proof:
> On May 11, 2016, the global average URE [average user range error] was ā¤0.715 m (2.3ā²), 95% of the time.
> To be clear, URE is not user accuracy. User accuracy depends on a combination of satellite geometry, URE, and local factors such as signal blockage, atmospheric conditions and receiver design features/quality.
> Many of Humminbird’s fishfinders have our powerful Precision GPS/WAAS receiver built right in, providing fast position fixes accurate within 2.5 meters [8.2ā²].
> Position Accuracy: 20m RMS [Rms = “root mean square,” not sure from there — math/engineering folks might be able to decipher that here]
> Garmin GPS receivers are typically accurate to within 10 meters. Accuracy is even better on the water.
> Users can also get better accuracy with Differential GPS (DGPS), which corrects GPS distances to within an average of 1 to 3 meters [3-10′].
Of course all work great, but Ron said NOT to rule out that old-school marker buoy just yet! |
Today’s ‘Eye Candy
Gotta bring back this snap. No surprise Ron could even catch good ones from the bank…during a BLIZZARD…on a spinnerbait…. Pic from @LindnersAnglingEdge:
Save some fish up there for the rest of us, man! š
Sign up another fish-head!
Check this stuff out!
Friends of Target Walleye
Who is Target Walleye
Brett McComasĀ is the main man for Target Walleye He was discovered in Brainerd, MN after years of wondering how in the heck people break into the fishing biz. He’s in it now, but still can’t answer that question…. Brett is one of those guys who majored in marketing, only because there was no such thing as a “fishing degree” at the time…. Get him atĀ brett@targetwalleye.com
To send usĀ walleye pics, ice shots or whatever,Ā just respond to this email orĀ click here to email us. Or post it onĀ the Target Walleye Facebook page. |