Today’s Top 5 Potential ND record walleye caught… …and RELEASED! So obviously it can’t technically be a record, but an absolutely insane...
Today’s Top 4 “Ice tsunamis” are a real thing. The east side of MN’s MIlle Lacs got hammered by an ice tsunami...
Today’s Top 4 Proof muskies aren’t eating all “your” walleyes. Some folks still think muskies will ruin a walleye fishery by “eating...
Wanna welcome back Bob at Worldwide Marine Insurance to Target Walleye! Quotes from Worldwide are free, and he SPECIALIZES in boat insurance...
Today’s Top 4 Are these fellers real-life tiger kings? Depending where you live, unfortunately, this Target Walleye email might be your only...
Everybody give a warm fish-head welcome to Elliott Rods! They make absolutely incredible, high-end fishing rods — handcrafted in MN and founded...
Today’s Top 4 New PBs (personal bests) of the week! 1. Mississippi River slaunch! @Charliewenkerfishing cracked this paunchy 28-incher pitchin’ a 3/8-oz...
Today’s Top 4 Bill to require cane poles on Mille Lacs! Just when you thought things couldn’t get any nuttier on MN’s...
We asked fishing hall of famer and northern MN fishing guide Tom Neustrom how he tracks down early-season walleyes — talking the...
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