Today’s Top 4

We’ve all seen ’em…like this 32-incher caught by Andrea Pasichnyk on Winnipeg:
But really — how green can they get? How ’bout:
Ice still kicking out the bigs…

Another ‘peg mutant:
…but not as big as this FREAK Zander.
Not sure why walleye don’t grow this big, but if they did….
Looks like it ate an eel bait?
Oddball ice catches.

Ice bowfin — hard to get excited about that!
1. Warrior Boats returns to AIM.
2. PNW: New Walleyes Unlimited Northwest trail.
- Umatilla March 28-29
- Potholes Reservoir May 2-3
- Banks Lake May 16-17
- Kettle Falls June 27-28
- Umatilla July 11-12
- Championship, Tri Cities, August 8-9
They are (L-R): Slick, Scoop, River Perch, Marilyn. More on the X-Rap here.
Starts TODAY — March 20-22 in Eau Claire. Ted Takasaki, Dave Carlson and others speaking.
March 25-29. LOTS of good speakers: Korey Sprengel, Ron Schara, Aaron Wiebe, Tony Roach, Dave Csanda, more.
3. MN Fishing Challenge registration open.
Our guys are involved, we will fish it, come beat us…if you can! All for a great cause:
> 100% of the profits go to Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation that helps over 600 Minnesotans kick their addiction.
‘Eye Candy
Not sure where or when this was taken, but a nice fish!
Tip of the Day
Good tips:
> It’s important to clean ice fishing gear before moving it to long-term storage because it will extend the life of your equipment. “Before putting your equipment away, try to imagine the condition you started with and leave it in the same way,” says Ice Force pro Joel Nelson.
> “Ice fishing gear tends to have snow and ice and other buildup on its surface. As the temperature warms up, the buildup melts and creates a moist environment for mold and mildew. To avoid this, I recommend using a towel to wipe down your equipment. Leave it in the sunlight to dry it off and air it out [before putting it away.]”
> “Anything that has mud on it or was used to transport fish should be cleaned so as to not hold an odor or rust metal parts.”
> Be sure to also wipe down and dry off your shelters to prevent mold growth. Mold and mildew can lead to fabric deterioration and odors. If mold spores develop inside the storage unit, they’ll spread on all available surfaces….
> Auger: “I recommend adding gasoline with stabilizer in the fuel tank and running the motor to stabilize it into the carburetor. You want to keep the carburetor parts wet. Afterward, you’ll want to drain the gas tank to keep the parts from breaking down due to being soaked with gasoline.”
> Rodents are a serious threat to tent fabric. Nelson recommends storing ice fishing equipment off the ground.
Couple examples, first is drill-driven:
Shot of the Day
When a char wants to be a goldfish: | |
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