Everyone welcome Garmin to Target Walleye/Ice! They have a new Panoptix Ice Bundle that looks ridonkulous!! Vid below will make you wonder how fish will even have a chance anymore lol.
If you’re getting this Target Walleye email for the first time, a friend probably signed you up!
Today’s Top 5
Adam Turnbull caught this odd-rocket that’ll make you look twice:
Nope, that’s not a #37 Jointed Rapala:
It’s what happens when some people have zero respect for our waters. Something as small as a Powerade wrapper can wreak havoc:
Thanks for giving this fish a second chance, man! But more importantly for spreading the message on picking up after yourself and others.
Halloween: If you can’t go fishing, might as well dress up like it.
Max Wilson pulled out the tricks to catch this treat:
Dustin Pearson made sure he had some “dad candy” out as well:
Not sure if this one makes a better Halloween costume or business opportunity…. Either way Kaine Navarro is #winning with his fishing vending machine:
Paul Zykan decked out his Lund for the kiddos. Looks like they’re biting:
Protecting our resources one juice-box at a time. Love it lil’ man!
The look guide John Pollock makes when you say he can’t go fishing:
Bro’s split-shot trick for fishing rocks with creek chubs.
For those of you bundled up and still heading out, Bro’s got a whole pile of creek chub pulling tricks — we’ve never seen before — for fishin’ in the rocks. Crazy cool:
Killer Garth Brooks ice fishing parody.
Called “Drillin’ Holes,” by hardwater cowboy Charlie Darmer. Gotta admit: have probably listened to it 87 times since last night…for sure worth a listen!
Is this the equivalent of winning the fishing lottery?
Maybe for you hardcore jig fisherpeople it is:
1. Garmin buys Navionics.
Plan to keep the Navionics brand, but combine their content with Garmin’s BlueChart and LakeVü maps. New phone app in the near future?
Speaking of Garmin, ever think there’d be a day you could drill a single hole and scan for fish 100s of feet away in any direction…? Seriously whoa:
Called the Panoptix Ice Fishing Bundle. Ain’t cheap, but can’t put a price on outfishing the snot outta your buddies lol.
2. IA: Fish kill caused by “dairy” runoff.
In this case “dairy” = poo. “Ammonia toxicity” levels were off the charts and resulted in 60K fish killed along nearly 7 miles of stream:
> “More than 42K were minnows, shiners, dace and chubs…the remainder included primarily suckers, darters and stonerollers. The DNR will seek fish restitution of $21,712.44 which includes a fish replacement value of $19,416.15 and the cost of the fisheries investigation.”
3. “Ice Team Kids” launched…
…to get kids more involved (and stay involved) in the sport of ice fishing. #Stout
4. MB: Bloodvein River bite is HOT.
They’ll have ice up there soon-ish, but this post is worth a read if you’re looking for a killer drive-to destination for when things thaw out.
5. Fishing Careers Workshop a success.
Looks like something out of a Willy Wonka movie….
TargetWalleye.com Highlights
Tip of the Day
Few tips from Uncut Angling’s A-A-ron Wiebe, of course with a twist:
Don’t forget to use Sea Foam — keeps things from gumming up.
Quote of the Day
It’s 2 a.m., do you know what your 12.2-lb walleye is doing?
– Caption for this shot of Trevor Davies, going without sleep and rockin’ the Christmas-morning smile:
Today’s ‘Eye Candy
Ice is comin’ in hot! Or cold?? Looks like an early-ice kind of year…and Vexan pro Dustin Monson is reeeeady:
Sign up another fish-head!
If you’re forwarding Target Walleye/Ice to a friend who loves to walleye-fish or want your fishing buddies to get these emails, just send us their email addresses and we’ll take care of it! (We won’t sell the addresses, use ’em for spam, etc.)
Who is Target Walleye/Ice?
Target Walleye/Ice — walleye during open water and all species during hardwater — is brought to you by Al and Ron Lindner, Jim Kalkofen, Brett McComas and other diehard fish-nuts like you! #fishheads