News1. Solid NWT 2020 schedule breakdown… …from hammers John Hoyer and Gary Parsons. Say it’s a “big-fish schedule” and we could see total-weight records broken across the board. 2. MN: Upper Red Lake walleye reg changes. Starting Dec 1: 4-fish bag limit, with only 1 over 17″ allowed. URL gets ice crazy early, so if you’re heading up there over the next few weeks, I believe it’s the same limit except you can have 1 over 20″ instead. But ALWAYS good to check the regs yourself…instead of listening to some bozo on the interwebz lol. Guess things are getting “tightened up” this winter to help account for the record # of people fishin’ (and keepin’) on the lake: > Anglers spent 1.9 million hours fishing on Red Lake during the winter of 2018-19, significantly higher than the 178K hours they spent open water fishing in 2019. Those anglers harvested 293K lbs of walleye during the summer and winter of 2019 — a record high for annual harvest since walleye fishing resumed on the lake in 2006. 3. ID ain’t all trout and sumo perch…. Plop a SoDak boy in the trout Gem State and let him loose! Walleye nut Andy Fiolka has the ID waldos dialed-in on Salmon Falls — among other places — and let outdoor writer Jordan Rodriguez hop in with him for a day of whackin’. Full scoop here. 4. New Freedom Tackle Blade Bait comin’. Looks filthy good. Can be rigged up 3 different ways, including: > …the ability to rig the double hook on the top of lure head and lock it into place on the custom design hook notch. This allows anglers to tap the nose of the lure on rocky bottoms without the fear of hang-ups…a preferred presentation for whitefish and lake trout through the ice. Click the pic for a Tactical Angling vid with a better look at the bait, and some other ways to rig it: Word is it’s coming out later this month. Keep you posted. 5. KastKing has a military and first-responder discount. > The discount, effective immediately, applies to all fishing tackle and other products available at kastking.com. The 10% discount can be had for the members of those groups by entering the discount code, HONORTEN…. 6. Costa’s got new sunglasses for sweatier folks. Case you have a problem with gettin’ #FoggedUp **raises hand** might wanna check out Costa’s new Diego frame. Says it has: > Innovative vented hinge system to maximize airflow and comfort Will have to get my hands on some — I have an awkwardly big melon, so sunglasses and hats are something I always need to try on in person before buying…. 7. MI pledges $8 mil for Chicago River carp barrier. 8. ND: Darkhouse spearing opens at ice-up. Whenever that happens, or maybe already has happened. 9. KY’s using a “bio-acoustic fish fence” at Barkley Lock…. …to keep out Asian carp. Part of a 3-yr experiment to “limit their passage from the Cumberland River into Barkley Lake.” > Flashing white lights at night, particularly when water levels are low (the rate of flash is slow and below the threshold for anyone with photosensitive epilepsy). > A line of bubbles running the width of the channel from the main guide wall to the opposing bullnose. > Vibration, particularly noticeable to small craft, from the bubble curtain. > Noise from the sound barrier itself heard through the hull of the vessel as well as on deck. 10. St. Croix’s expanding the CCI lineup. That’s their Croix Custom Ice technique-specific rods. Haven’t had the chance to try one (were sold-out all over last season!) but have heard really good things from some diehards. 11. UT completed 300K boat inspections this year. > To prevent invasive quagga mussels from spreading from Lake Powell and other infested waters to other UT waterbodies. Sounds far from relaxing! Props to the workers. 12. Life jacket use hits record highs at NMMA boat shows. Now just make sure you’re wearing one on the water too…. Got a few more of our Target Walleye Ugly Fishmas Sweaters in stock! Super-limited quantities, so if ugly sweaters are your thing, jump on it! Why? ‘Cuz ugly-sweater season is more than just a couple days up here in the ice belt. No joke I’m wearing mine while I write this. 14. DC: New program has $50m for landowners… …for public fishing and hunting access: > Jerry Roach, program admin: “Nationally, there is $50 million available. The maximum funding that can be awarded per project is $3 million, and the minimum is $100K.” 15. FL is using Roundup on lakes?? > 17 registered herbicides are approved for use in FL waters, including glyphosate (the active ingredient in the controversial product Roundup). Heard this is what happens if you try spraying it on zebra mussels: |
TargetWalleye.com HighlightsNote: The FishUSA links in this email are affiliate links, meaning if you go through them to make a purchase we might earn a commission…at no cost to you. Click here if you want to learn a little more about links in TW. |
Tip of the DayIce fishing: Deep-water basin crappie tips.The AnglingBuzz fellas talk how they snatch finicky, deep-water crappies using tungsten in places most others would use jigging spoons. Also debunk one of the biggest fishin’ myths you’ve probably heard…how if you reel ’em up outta deep water niiiice aaaand sloooow, that the fish’ll be just fine — but that’s just not true…. |
Meme of the DayBe safe this weekend if you do get to sneak out on the hard stuff! |
Today’s ‘Eye CandiesGuess bassin’ pro Brandon ‘BP’ Palaniuk likes a challenge from time to time [smirk emoji]:
That’s a good look for you, dude! BP put down the flippin’ stick (I think?) and picked up a Molix Tago Vibe for some real-life video games on his Humminbird SOLIX 12:
Think this one was hungry? #ChokedIt |
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Check this stuff out! |