1. MN: 102 year old veteran catches walleyes…
…at Pay It Forward event on Lake of the Woods. Thanks for your service, Carl!
2. MN: MTT championship headin’ to LOTW.
The Minnesota Tournament Trail Championship is happenin’ Sep 13-14 on Lake of the Woods. Have a crack at winning a $50K [!] Skeeter boat package with the $510 entry. #Whammy Thanks for hippin’ me to it, Dan!
3. Lake Erie walleye pop estimated at 41 mil!
4. IA: Morse Lake fishing regs chillaxed.
> “The 98-acre shallow natural lake is being renovated to remove abundant common carp and bullhead populations, and improve the water quality and habitat in the lake.”
Can use as many lines as you want to catch/keep as many fish as you want. Some fine print though:
> “Dynamite, poison, electric shocking devices, or any stupefying substances will not be allowed.”
One “stupefying substance” you can use lol:
5. MN: Trio wins North American Sturgeon Championship.
Must’ve been a tough bite ‘cuz the winning fish was a 57.75-incher…which dang near jump in the boat during the spring Rainy River run.
6. WI sturgeon season opens Sep 1.
Hook and line.
7. Pure Watercraft hiring.
Customer operations representative. More deets here.
8. OH: New $1.3 mil ramp at Berlin Rez just for looks?
…because of a Corps drawdown:
> …it’s essentially useless after mid-summer because the water is too shallow to launch anything larger than a canoe.
9. Spinning reel designed for braid.
The Okuma Epixor XT has features specifically designed for using braid. John Bretza from Okuma explains it in this vid:
They retail for less than 70 bones — can’t wait to try one.
10. Murky lakes increasing in US?
> “In the 5 years between 2007 and 2012, the dominant lake type in the U.S. shifted from clear, blue lakes to greenish-brown, murky lakes. Blue lakes declined by 18% while murky lakes increased by 12%.
> “Blue lakes typically are those that do not show evidence of nutrient pollution or elevated organic matter while murky lakes have high levels of both.”
Interesting stats considering how many lakes seem to be clearing up thanks to zebra mussels, etc.
11. New KastKing braid scissors look legit.
Has a removable sheath n’ lanyard in case you’re like me and misplace yours every 3 seconds:
12. PA: FBC pushin’ for more conservation funding.
Currently gettin’ about $1.5 mil — lookin’ for $34 mil.
13. KY: Can birds stock Asian carp?
Guy with a 30 yr old pond all of a sudden found Asian carp in there…? Yikes.
14. IL calling Asian carp “silverfin” for eating purposes.
Sounds delish lol.
15. Didja win our latest giveaways?
Waiting on a response from a couple winners…usually give ’em 1 week to reply else we have to randomly draw a new lucky angler.
Gonna blackout a chunk of the email addys but if yours look something like these, you might wanna check your inbox and reply to my message ASAP:
> Yo-Zuri winner: preston*****7769@gmail.com
> Rapala winner: warrior***@live.com