It’s 9/11 tomorrow. Even if you forgive, never forget. Crazy to think it’s been 23 years since the world stopped turning. If...
TODAY’S TOP 5 More proof that catch and release works. Another cool catch and catch again story! A few weeks...
TODAY’S TOP 5 Kevin McQuoid leads day 1 the Green Bay NWT! > Many anglers were committed to making long runs...
TODAY’S TOP 5 How John Hoyer snap rip jigs the weeds. We’re coming into John Hoyer’s favorite time of year...
TODAY’S TOP 5 One of the biggest perch ever documented in Europe!!! It’s tough to imagine one bigger than this…tho I...
TODAY’S TOP 5 Sight fishing for walleyes is a thing. Growing up (and living in MN) I can’t imagine being...
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View this email in your browser. Hope everyone had a great + safe 4th with family and friends. And if you were...
View this email in your browser. Reminder: If your email program cuts off the bottom of this email, click “View this email...
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