View this email in your browser TODAY’S TOP 3 How Tom Huynh hawg hunts with the Finisher 2024 National Walleye Tour Champ...
We’re now in that sort of awkward transition time of year where ice-fishing opportunities are fading fast, yet many open-water gamefish seasons...
View this email in your browser Looking for an early-spring destination with open water, open seasons, and good walleye fishing in the...
TODAY’S TOP 5 Casting for fall wingdam walleyes. ➡🪨 You river rats keep asking for more…so here we go! This Dan Johnson...
TODAY’S TOP 5 Jason Mitchell’s spinner-harness hack during algae blooms. 🦠 Props to Jason Mitchell for always sharing his sneaky little...
TODAY’S TOP 5 Slip-bobber walleyes: Not all leeches are created equal. 🧐 This slip-bobber walleye piece that the late Greg Bohn...
TODAY’S TOP 5 More proof that catch and release works. ♻️ Another cool catch and catch again story! A few weeks...
Had a few neighborhood kids knock on my door the other day wanting to know if there were any odd jobs they...
TODAY’S TOP 4 Korey Sprengel’s complete jerkbait setup. 💯 Last spring I was finally able to knock a little something off...
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