Here’s the scoop on those fish-sexy Glass Minnows:
> …incredible see-through transparent properties exactly mimicking juvenile baitfish and other aquatic forage. The unique reflective abilities of our secret material bring bright and subtle light together to create an effect that will call fish from extended distances. While in motion, the material stays tight to the jig creating a fleeing forage effect…then upon pause, the undulating characteristics of the material flares out just like natural fin flare on a frightened baitfish….”
Little more info on Trevor’s record catch from this Tom Kuglin write-up:
> “This spring has been a beast out there, not because there’s no walleyes, but it’s been cold and the flows have been way below normal. Trout have been great but the walleyes…are in there doing something different this year.
> “I bet I’m close to 120 hours out there this year and I’ve only caught 3 walleyes…. Most people would say, ‘What are you doing, you’re crazy,’ but it’s just knowing that potential is there.”
> Trevor says his dad [Kit] had been taking him to chase pre-spawn walleye before he can even remember. “The fact Dad and I are both guiding now, we’re both busy so we don’t get to fish as much as we used to…so it was pretty special to be able to get out there with him.”
Said he thought it was a burbot at first because he couldn’t raise it off the bottom, but papa Kit knew what was up. 
> “We just got a little glimpse and knew it was big. We’ve seen a lot of big fish so we’re thinking maybe it’s 13, 14, 15 lbs. She dove a few more times and then we were able to net her and get her in the boat, that’s when it got really big.
> “It was obviously a really weighty fish, but we just had no idea because we’d never seen a girth like that.”
> When it comes to keeping fish, the Johnsons like to practice selective harvest. That means letting the bigger and older fish go. Even though they knew the walleye could be the biggest ever landed in the state, they attempted a release by moving the fish back and forth in the water for a few minutes to force water through the gills. Unfortunately the fish with its epic weight and after the long battle did not survive.
> “You know there really are a lot of mixed emotions. It’s a potential state record but we’re catch-and-release guys. It’s an amazing fish and it shows people the potential of what you can catch around here. We both still preach selective harvest, but yeah, still some mixed emotions, but it’s a great honor especially here in the state of MT.
> “It doesn’t even sound believable. I almost feel like I’m undeserving, like does anyone deserve something like that. You joke about it but you’re not looking to go out and catch the new state record. I’m just out there looking to explore the unknown and I managed to bump into the fish of a million lifetimes.”
Freakin’ AMAZING and well-deserved, man!