Match the hatch! 
Remember last week when I shared a picture from Ross Grothe of a 16” walleye that apparently had 7 baby bluegill in its belly. 
Well right after that, I got a message from TW reader Adam Gustafson in MI (thx man!) who said he was catching quite a few walleyes on a "baby bluegill" color Eurotackle Z-Viber, and that after he cleaned a couple, he figured out why.... So cool!
I believe that's the little 1/16-oz (1”) size Z-Viber since it has that Japanese style single hook, which they say “on top of being weedless, will improve your hook up ratio” And the “baby bluegill” color is part of their “Match the Hatch” series:
They say the single hook is also nice for tipping it with their Mummy Worm, which are literally “mummified wax worms” that should “last up to 2 yrs while preserving the wax worm's natural characteristics – they remain soft, flexible, and will even keep its juice inside.”
Can’t believe I had never seen these before, so I just had to order a few colors to play with.
Btw once the Z-Viber gets into the bigger/heavier sizes (1/8 oz, 1.6" – 3/8 oz, 2.4" – 5/8 oz, 2.75") they're armed with a pair of treble hooks, but still killer colors and patterns...whether you want realistic:
Or something that looks like it hatched on another planet:
Don’t see that every day!
Never know what I’m going to find in the Target Walleye email inbox, but usually a whole lot of fishy madness! Here’s a few recent pics sent in that I just had to share....
1) Check the color mutation on this crappie posted on FB by Robert Harrison – must have been the lucky orange shirt! Amazing specimen:
2) About 4 yrs back now, Uncut Angling posted a video attempting to catch a jumbo perch long-enough to have 7 stripes along their side. Ever since the vid, I swear it’s literally the first thing anyone looks at when catching big perch hahaha.
But sometimes they earn their stripes in a different way...
Like this one sent in from TW reader Mark Folz in central WI. 
Love the uniqueness! Almost came close to breaking the record for the most stripes I’ve ever seen on a perch but this one sent in from TW reader Nicholas C. still just barely edges it out. Apparently they were doubling down on the 7-stripe perch hype!
Side Imaging ‘shadows’ simplified 
If you’re new to Side Imaging, it can be a little confusing to figure out what you’re looking at. I came across this post shared on Brad Durick’s FB page that is a cool “real life” analogy for why the fish and shadows look the way they do on SI:
It’s easy to spot BIG fish on Side Imaging units, but the reality is you’re not typically gonna be targeting walleye the size of moose lol...
Unless maybe you’re Layne Maier who graphed this 31-incher on SK’s Last Mountain Lake a few years back:
So how can you tell that’s actually a 31″ walleye? ‘Cuz his mom caught it!
> “I was skirting a point and saw [the fish] blown right into it in 10′. We were moving quick so I dropped my cursor back and marked it. ...had her jig ready and I doubled back over it...told her to drop when we hit the waypoint and before I even shut the big motor off...her new Fenwick rod (I got her for Mother’s Day) was FOLDED.”
Love it.
Most lakes around here, it’s those 15-19” eater-sized fish you’re after, and they’re not gonna drop a shadow the size of your great aunt Eleanor (no offense, Elly baby!). So imagine that first moose pic, but instead they are squirrels.... Tho since MEGA Side Imaging has come out, even those squirrels can’t hide. 
Literal “dog days” of winter
1) Brian Brumfield's daughter caught and released this B-E-A-Utiful 31” walleye last weekend in northern MN – congrats on the fish of a lifetime! Bird dog approved and all:
2) Jadyn Mossengren, Matt Stearns, and ‘Mav’ have been getting it done from the wheelhouse in these nasty, sub-zero temps. Time well spent:
3) Fish-head Tyler Brick and his bud 'Tiller' (LOVE that name) waking up to the rattle-reel alarm clock on a balmy -40°F night:
4) Jen Pudenz (from Adventuress Magazine) and her fuzzy little man peach ‘Franklin’ rented a Glacier Ice House in the Brainerd Lakes Area and had themselves a crappie ‘ol time:
5) And I've got to bring this hilarious shot from @jigsandspoons back, 'cuz not everyone is excited to be doing this whole ice fishing thing.  Annabell is over it LOL:
My kind of daddy daycare 
Props to Jake Johansen for taking ‘dad-duty’ to the next level on Lake of the Woods, hauling the Pack 'n Play so he could still chase fish while spending quality time with the little one. #Start’EmYoung
Oh, and in case you were wondering...he said the bite was all day. They were set up 5 miles out of Swift Ditch in 29’ and chubs were the deal. Looks like a great time! And the family will be eating good.
1. Matt Bain recalls his near-death experience while ice fishing
It’s been 10 yrs since Matt Bain had a brush with death after falling through the ice in brutal -24°F temps. Every year, he shares his story to remind anglers just how fast things can go wrong – and why having the right gear can mean the difference between life and death.
>"I tried to pull myself out, but every time I tried, the ice would break away."
Exhaustion set in fast. After several failed attempts, he took a few deep breaths, dug deep, and finally managed to pull himself free. But the fight wasn’t over.
> "I was so cold I couldn’t yell for help – it felt like I had been punched in the stomach."
Soaking wet and freezing, he had no choice but to push forward through the pain, barely able to take baby steps toward his friend’s house. By the time he made it, his suit was frozen stiff, and he collapsed at the door.
Matt credits his Striker float suit for saving his life and now uses his experience to educate others.
> "We invest in rods and reels because they’re fun and exciting, but the first thing I will always tell everyone is to make sure you have a floating suit." Ice safety isn’t just a suggestion – it’s survival.
2. MN: Mille Lacs walleye regz could be relaxed this spring
Of course that’s “relaxed” by Mille Lacs standards:
Nothing official yet, but here's a few things discussed at the recent MLFAC meeting:
> State Fisheries Chief Brad Parsons and members of his staff at the Department of Natural Resources said Tuesday night they will give consideration to suggestions for a 2- or 3-fish walleye bag limit this year.
> The shift toward a more liberal harvest in 2025 is driven by a drastic improvement in the health and numbers of walleyes, perch and ciscoes.
> Perch and ciscoes are prime forage for walleyes and the abundance of those species has made it more difficult for anglers to catch walleyes. As one member of the advisory committee put it, the walleyes aren’t as hungry as they used to be because of plentiful natural forage.
More insight/comments from local stakeholders here.
3. MN: Potential 50% state cut to AIS prevention
> Gov. Tim Walz has proposed a 50% cut in MNs $10-mil program to fight aquatic invasive species, and that has raised concerns among county officials....
> The money goes to counties to pay for education outreach and hands-on work, like boat cleaning stations and inspectors at public accesses, to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species like zebra mussels and starry stonewort.
4. Garmin's 2024 Fiscal Year results all way up 
5. These fellas watched the Super Bowl in style
They spent 3 days on the ice doing some 'Clamping' and set up a projector to stream the game!
I’ve been seeing quite a few posts from folks using a projector in their hub shacks...thinking maybe it’s time I track down a few details to find out which setups are the best bang for the buck!
6. Wisconsin Fishing Expo's seminar lineup is STACKED
The show runs Feb 21-23 at The Alliant Energy Center in Madison.
7. MI: 2nd-annual Denali Myriad Walleye Tournament, Oct 11
On Saginaw Bay:
> “After a successful inaugural event, we’re bringing the excitement back for another year, giving anglers the perfect opportunity to kick off the fall walleye season in style. Once again, the Michigan Walleye Tour will host the event, ensuring a professionally run tournament and weigh-in experience. Competitors will have the chance to test their skills on one of the Midwest’s top walleye fisheries while enjoying a day of competition, camaraderie, and appreciation.
> “Denali’s Myriad Series [rods] has continued to gain strong support from Michigan walleye anglers, and this tournament serves as our way of giving back to the community that has embraced the brand. Whether you competed last year or are new to the event, we invite you to join us for what promises to be an unforgettable day on the water....”
More details on registration, prizes, and event logistics to come.
I believe they paid out almost 40 spots last year with either cash or merchandise. It was Kenneth Salwa and Matt Lafreniere who won the inaugural derby (full results) with 27.25 lbs, taking home $5K!
8. MN: Fish house removal deadline(s) coming up
9. MI: Bay County Sheriff’s Office rig is wild!
10. WY: Cali anglers fined for poaching brown trout...
...from the North Platte River in WY. They were caught with dozens of brown trout, and over half of ‘em exceeded the 16” slot limit for the river.
Side note: This is one of the worst-quality photos I’ve seen in about 10 yrs LOL. Can we find it in the budget to get WY’s Game and Fish Dept some phone upgrades? But you get the idea:
> ...Court ordered the anglers to pay a combined total of $1,140 in fines and $1,500 in restitution. They were also stripped of their fishing privileges in WY and the 48 other states that participate in the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact for 1 year.
11. Al Lindner shares his history with Lund Boats
Some cool throwback footage in here too:
PSA: Pop those trolling-motor props off.
From Fish Lectronics of Nisswa:
> “During the fishing off season take a minute to pull the prop off of your trolling motor and check for fishing line. If left unchecked, this bit of line can completely destroy the lower unit of this motor.“
Good way to never get invited again.... #Sketchy
John Dorosh has been putting in the work and was rewarded with a Great Lake giant! Caught in 20’ on a "glow red tiger" color #7 Rapala Jigging Rap (no meat) and said he was working it with a steady jig and she came right in on LiveScope with zero hesitation.
He was also fortunate enough to have photo/video magician @brianeavey_media along, which means he came out of it with an incredible pic. 
Shout-out to Matt Waldron on breaking his PB white crappie with this 15.5" (2.22-lb) Metro-MN slab! 
Congrats man! 
Sign up another fish-head!
If you're forwarding Target Walleye to a friend who loves to walleye fish or want your fishing buddies to get these emails, just send us their email addresses and we'll take care of it! (We won't sell the addresses, use them for spam, etc.)
Target Walleye – walleye during open water and all species during hardwater – is brought to you by Al Lindner, Jay Kumar, Chris Philen, Brett McComas and other diehard fish-heads like you!
Brett McComas is the main man for Target Walleye He was discovered in Brainerd, MN after years of wondering how in the heck people break into the fishing biz. He's in it now, but still can't answer that question.... Brett is one of those guys who majored in marketing, only because there was no such thing as a "fishing degree" at the time.... Get him at