2. SD: Dakota Angler Ice Institute happening Nov 11-13.
At the Sioux Falls Covention Center & Arena. Believe it’s the 2nd-largest ice show in the nation with over 100 vendors already signed up. And they always have a stacked lineup of free ice-fishing seminars. More info on their site, or hit up their FB page for new speaker announcements, etc.
3. IN: Nearly 70K walleye fingerlings being stocked…
…into 14 northern IN lakes:
> The fingerlings being stocked average 4″ to 7″ long. Adult walleye typically reach 14″ in length after 2 years of growth and 16″ by their third year.
4. Sportsman’s Warehouse opened 3 new stores.
> …recently opened new stores in Seminole, FL, Eastgate, OH and Santee, CA. The company also expects to open 2 additional locations this year, before the start of the holiday shopping season, in Montrose, CO and Jacksonville, FL.
5. FL: NPAA annual conferences is headed to Fort Meyers.
That’s going to sound really nice come Jan 6-8. 
6. MN: Zeebz confirmed in Fish Lake.
Hennepin County.
7. Joe Cermele launched a new podcast.
> Like Cermele’s past work, Cut & Retie aims to strengthen ties within the angling community – it’s for all fishermen, regardless of skill level and preferred style.
With a mix of guests ranging from notable players in the fishing world to his local crew, Cermele highlights the connective tissue that links all anglers. We all started fishing because it’s fun, which is why Cermele strives to keep Cut & Retie entertaining, relatable, and never too serious or technical.
8. Lithium Pros has a new marine starting battery.
Just 31 lbs
has 1,500 marine crank amps and 260 min of reserve capacity.
Would sure be nice, but also runs about $1,800 so save up! 
9. MN: Whitefish and cisco sport gillnetting to open…
…on 7 Tower area lakes: Vermilion, Basswood, Fall, Newton, Shagawa, Bear Island and Ojibway lakes.