Welcome to the Ice Force IceBlaster, your 2x/week email with the best ice fishing info IN THE WORLD! Enjoy!
Today’s Top 4
May be the biggest carp ever caught thru the ice, a potential C&R world record. (Is this like having the world’s biggest booger??)
Yet another biggie on a PK Flutter Fish.
2. Back to reality…
…an awesome non-carp caught by this youngster. Way to go!
3. Ender’s end game?
That’s a Humminbird Bow 360 in that tracked FJ. Cool, might eliminate a lot o’ drillin’.
Looks like the Ender’s Game command center.
4. Wall Street green?
First on-ice bars, now a story on permanent fishhouses – what’s with all this Wall Street Journal ice fishing coverage…jealous much?
1. Pontoon extractor vid.
Watch a USCG-certified pro extract a Mazda SR9 and permie from Iowa’s Lake Okoboji. Cool pontoon’d rig makes retrieval easier, safer, faster.
2. Easier way to get to Canada.
4. CO: FREE ice fishin’ class.
5. MB: Winnipeg sled & ice derby.
Greenbacks fer greenbacks. Biggest = $2K.
> “Last year’s overall, fastest sled was a Yamaha Apex that clocked in at 124 mph.”
Wuuutt? He wasn’t haulin’ no portable….
6. Cool vids.
Fishin’ Reports
1. ID: Cascade giants again?
Forums suggest giant perch coming out of Cascade Rez again…the new Devils Lake?
Record Cascade perch from last year:
2. MN: LOTW reefs heating up.
> Fish spread out in depths of 27-34′. South end producing good numbers of saugers along with walleyes. Best colors are gold, glow red, pink and orange.
> Some anglers starting to fish-mid lake reefs with good success.
> Anglers fishing Rainy River around Baudette and Clementson reporting morning/evening bite. Walleyes being caught near airport, Baudette Bay, Hattie’s Hole and Clementson Bay. 19-21′ most consistent. Pike active in bays.
3. MN: Bemidji area.
Paul Nelson, Bemidji Area Lakes Guide Service:
> Ice conditions on the lakes in the Bemidji area continue to improve, with only isolated patches of slush remaining on a few lakes.
> Until the weather breaks, the lakes will continue to add ice and the frozen slush and snow cover will combine to limit the amount of sunlight that is able to penetrate into the lakes.
> Most fish want to stay in the part of the lake that has sunlight at least part of the day. With the sunlight in most lakes only able to penetrate into the mid-20s, the fish have been moving out of deep water into more moderate depths.
> Crappies, sunfish and most other species of fish need to stay in the part of the lake where sunlight is able to touch the bottom.
4. IL: CHI-town.
Ice fishing is universal in the harbors. Hottest spot for perch is the slip north of 87th Street.
5: IN: NW.
Willow Slough remains the bees knees.
6. WI: Winnebago.
Spearing season, which opens Saturday (permits required), is figgered to be over quickly this year.
7. NY: Oneida.
> The entire lake continues to be frozen over, with thickness varying from a foot up to 18 inches. Anglers on snowmobiles or ATVs are catching nice perch north of Dunham’s and Frenchman’s islands.
> Big Bay continues to hot for bluegills, crappie and sunfish. Walleye fishing around Chapman Park has slowed down recently. Most of the good walleye action this past week has been northwest of the islands.
8. OH: Good year so far.
Deals of the Day
1. Didja enter the Ultimate Giveaway yet?
3. MN: Ice fishing truckload sale.
Feb 14-17.
Tip of the Day
Pennaz: Best lines for ice.
Stone Cold Fishing TV host Steve Pennaz:
> “Choosing the right ice fishing line comes down to two questions: 1. What do you need the line to do? 2. How strong do you need it to be? The line you choose to jig lake trout in deep water is very different from the line you need for catching shallow-water ‘gills. There is no ONE best line for ice fishing. It’s very much application specific.”
> “Whatever line you choose, pay particular attention to line memory. Low memory increases sensitivity and detects more bites.”
> “It’s really hard to beat a good monofilament when fishing in shallow water, say under 20′.”
> “Today’s fluorocarbons handle much better in cold weather…and in situations that require the ultimate in finesse it’s the line I go to. Fluoro makes a difference in clear or heavily-pressured waters.”
> “Fluorocarbon also sinks, which makes it a great choice anytime you’re fishing small, light jigs. With fluoro, you can often get away with not having to use split shot, an unnecessary component more anglers should jettison.”
> “I use superline when fishing 30 feet or deeper because the lines offer superb sensitivity at those depths.”
Quote of the Day
We can do better than the pack mentality that still exists in some areas when a new population of fish is found and anglers rush to get their share, until the population and opportunity is exhausted.
– Doug Stange, In-Fisherman 2014 Ice Guide. We can but…what’s the fun in that?? (Hahaha!)
Shot of the Day
Doods, be careful what you wish fer. Women always catch bigger fish…. (Photo by Ron Hustvedt.)