> "In some communities, old dams have been removed and replaced with a series of boulders known as rock arch rapids or riffles. They’re designed to allow the river to flow more freely and fish to swim upstream. They also help avoid costly dam repairs – or worse, a collapse."
Btw Scott Mackenthun may not be as cute as my daughter Maisie (lol) but he is someone whose opinion I greatly value when it comes to all things outdoors – here’s his quick comment on the rock rapids:
> “Human and community safety and health, connectivity and passage for organisms and debris, natural functionality, and no age out and sedimentation concerns make these a no-brainer....”
4. Little background on what ICAST is.
The 67th-annual fishing biz trade show that’s coming up July 16-19 in Orlando, FL:
> ICAST, or the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades, is fishing’s largest trade show. This year, it takes place at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL from July 16-19. Inside the exhibit hall, and the ponds outside it, manufacturers from across the globe will be showing off the latest in fishing gear, tackle, and electronics. Last year, the 2.1 million square feet of exhibit space was home to some 13,346 attendees, and 2024 is shaping up to be even bigger.
> Attendance is limited to members of the fishing industry, including manufacturers’ reps, custom tackle builders, retailers, industry representatives, pro-staff, and members of the media. For many, ICAST serves as a homecoming of sorts. I look forward to the event every year as much for the camaraderie as the new gear. It gives members of the fishing industry a chance to meet face to face with old friends, and make some new ones.
It’s coming up fast!
5. MN: DNR certifies 9 new record fish.
6. Tom Huynh's Vexus is up for sale. 
2024 Vexus DVX22 w/ a Suzuki 350hp, lithium batteries, Power-Poles, AquaTraction, a handful of Garmin units, and about every other thing you can think of!
Btw it's been confirmed his Vexus catches magnum 'merp' walleyes. 