Today’s Top 4 Are these fellers real-life tiger kings? Depending where you live, unfortunately, this Target Walleye email might be your only...
Everybody give a warm fish-head welcome to Elliott Rods! They make absolutely incredible, high-end fishing rods — handcrafted in MN and founded...
Today’s Top 4 New PBs (personal bests) of the week! 1. Mississippi River slaunch! @Charliewenkerfishing cracked this paunchy 28-incher pitchin’ a 3/8-oz...
Today’s Top 4 Bill to require cane poles on Mille Lacs! Just when you thought things couldn’t get any nuttier on MN’s...
Today’s Top 4 Few spring jiggin’ setups Al Lindner always has tied on. Really not just a spring thing, ‘cuz every time...
Today’s Top 5 Cold-water blade bait tricks. Rippin’ blade baits is still one of the most overlooked and not-talked-about techniques for cold-water...
Today’s Top 5 Hawg-bellies of the week! 1) Dan Berghoefer iced and released this 31.5″ x 21″ hawg-belly on a Rapala Jigging...
Today’s Top 5 Daytime burbot with UNDERWATER footage! (fishing Vlog) Just had one of the craziest days of ice fishing I’ve EVER...
Guess I fibbed when I said there’d only be one Target Walleye email this week…. Just can’t stay away! Today’s TW...
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