Today’s Top 5
Is that cool or what??

Luckily nothing bad happened…to people:
> The driver of a pickup truck drove out onto freshly formed ice on Lake Erie off Stony Point Sunday and became stuck when the vehicle partially broke through the surface. The driver of a second pickup apparently went to help when his vehicle partially broke through and also became trapped.

Ike doesn’t like pouts.

‘Eyes IN the water.
Jan. 2 was a cool MN day, but Tom Davis and Mark Schutz found some walleyes in flowing water. The ticket was floats with suckers drifted with the current. Not everybody fishes on top of the water — these guys were IN it.
> Our survey team has expanded the High Definition map coverage into the MidAtlantic and NorthEast regions with new, Version 1 Editions for anglers. In addition to these two regions, we’ve added a new PLUS version of these products as well. The PLUS series allows for aerial image overlay on High Definition waters in addition to all of the LakeMaster features.
Awesome name, guide converted a rehab facility into a fishing lodge.
Ice News
> A sturgeon caught on the St. Croix River [with a shiner] was 75″ long and estimated to weigh about 115 lbs…. Sturgeon are not in season, so the big fish was released back through the ice.
> Minnesota’s lake sturgeon record is a 94-pound, 4-ounce fish caught in the Kettle River in 1994 that measured 70″ long with a 26.5″ girth.
Mike Halter of Rapid City, new state record tiger trout @ 3.225 lbs (19″ long, 12″ girth), caught at Lake in Custer State Park where previous record was caught (1.2 lbs). Caught with small jig with a worm and two kernels of corn.
For ice-heads.
RIP fishing brother.
Out of Sunset Lodge in the NW Angle of MN’s Lake of the Woods. Check out this vid of a nice walleye catch and more:
3. WI: Wissota Ice Classic Jan. 17.
4. MN: Ice Extravaganza coming.
The Brainerd Jaycees $150,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza is Sat, Jan 24, 2015 — don’t miss it! More info here.
Sturgeon Bay, Jan 31.
‘Eye Candy
Tip of the Day
From SD guide Eric Brandriet, Dakota Prairie Angling, 605-880-2485:
> Like always, mobility has been key. By using my Humminbird 688ci ICE Combo, I have been able to key in on certain “areas of areas.” Fish-holding spots often in the winter are as simple as areas that fish funnel through or fish hang around. With the addition of a Dakotas LakeMaster Chip, the ability to look at the specifics of an area is easy. The days of drilling holes aimlessly on a big lake basin are gone.
Quote of the Day
It was probably the most humbling experience.
– Guy talking about ice-fishing the sight bite at West Lake Okoboji. Also said:
Shot of the Day
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice laker: | |
To send us walleye pics, ice shots and whatever,