Today’s Top 4 Banded walleye swims 500+ miles. Guide Chris Bartsch caught this Great Lakes walleye that just couldn’t sit still: >...
Target Walleye recently surveyed readers about their favorite walleye-fishing tactics and got some surprising results. The most interesting thing is the amount...
Hey everyone – this is the only Target Walleye this week because we’re up chasin’ #greenbacks on Lake Winnipeg, and don’t want...
Hey everyone, we’ll only be sending you one Target Walleye next week because we’re off to the land of the #greenbacks, Lake...
Today’s Top 5 Some o’ the craziest-colored walleyes we’ve ever seen. Here’s something you don’t see every day, and may not ever...
Reminder: If you’re getting this Target Walleye/Ice email for the first time, a friend probably signed you up! Today’s Top 5 Ukraine...
Reminder: If you’re getting this Target Walleye/Ice email for the first time, a friend probably signed you up! Today’s Top 5 22-lb...
Today’s Top 5 Honey-comb badgers of the week! Ice is still holding on in some areas — if you can get to...
Reminder: If you’re getting this Target Walleye/Ice email for the first time, a friend probably signed you up! Today’s Top 4 Long-arming...
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